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Chamber Chat with Danny Braithwaite

Embracing Change

The Easter break in education presents time for reflection and the potential for change including lighter nights and spring weather variations which catch you out in the wardrobe department!  However, change can be challenging.  Simple strategies can help you navigate uncertainty, maintain well-being and importantly seize the opportunities that change presents.  I always revert to a few practical steps to help adjust, focus and prioritise when these circumstances arise.

  1. Take stock of how you feel:  Set aside time to reflect on your current situation and honestly assess your emotions.  Consider discussing your feelings with someone you trust and value their guidance.  It’s ok to feel unsettled and recognising it is a great step forward
  2. Focus on the short term:  Prevent being overwhelmed by long-term uncertainty, concentrate on the day-to-day.  Identify what you can do right now and prioritise short-term needs.  Break down formidable tasks into achievable chunks that help you demonstrate progress gradually.
  3. Acknowledge what’s working:  Even amidst change, constants remain. Notice and appreciate these aspects of your life, whether it’s relationships, a favourite meal or nature.  Recognise small changes you’ve made or are working on. Gratitude helps you recover and envision possibilities for the future.
  4. Recognise your achievements:  List your accomplishments, no matter how big or small. Whether you organised a cluttered desk, tiled a wall, cut the grass, helped a friend or washed the car, each achievement matters, if you let it.  If you are dealing with serious issues, simply getting through each day is an accomplishment in itself.

Finally, remember that change is a natural part of life, adapting to it requires resilience and self-compassion.  Be kind to yourself during transitions and seek support when needed.  Whatever your job role you’re capable of navigating change and finding stability even in uncertain times.