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Lancashire Skills Pledge Masterclass – Responsible Recruitment

This masterclass is the second CPD event that the Lancashire Skills and Employment Hub have launched for Lancashire Skills Pledge members. These sessions will offer insight into professionals or subject areas that can benefit your organisations employment/skills requirements. Skills Pledge members will have access to these sessions exclusively or in advance of other organisations.

This 90 minute online session titled ‘Responsible Recruitment’ will provide guidance on how to improve your corporate social responsibility through widening and diversifying your recruitment. It will explore the benefits of hiring individuals currently unemployed and gain insights into using a variety of employment programmes as effective recruitment tools, saving both time and money.

Discover the advantages of candidates who have accessed tailored training programmes addressing specific employer needs, providing both job-specific skills and recognised qualifications.

This session will also provide an opportunity to learn how to support individuals currently unemployed, bringing them closer to the labour market and outline how employers can actively contribute to this initiative by offering work placements, conducting interview technique sessions, and offering sector-specific training to help individuals develop their work ready skills.

A link to this online masterclass will be sent in advance of the event.

This session will be delivered by Lauren Capstick, Lancashire Skills Hub Strategic Partnership Manager. Lauren has responsibility for developing and embedding the Inclusive Workface theme of the Strategic Framework to support unemployed and economically inactive residents into sustainable employment, driving up digital skills and embedding social value to level up Lancashire and accelerate inclusive growth.

Further information and how to book onto this event can be found in the following link: